Archives for: "Feb 14 2010"

The Window of Many Cacti

February 14th, 2010
It’s been two weeks since our last frost, and judging from my first dozen shots, it seemed like my photography skills dropped from mediocre to downright pathetic. But then I got a few good shots of frost on windows. The fact that I shoot windows on cars… more »

How to classify snow crystals

February 14th, 2010
According to Edward LaChapelle’s Field Guide to Snow Crystals (1969), the most widely used classification for falling ice is a system of 10 types from the International Commission on Snow and Ice, which came out in 1951. A few years later, ice… more »

Another Snow Crystal

February 14th, 2010
Here's another snow crystal from  last week's shoot - As always, click the image for a larger view. - Mark more »